BUBCHEN 寶比珊是德國嬰幼兒護膚專家公司,產品經皮膚醫學測試,由皮膚科醫師,小兒科醫師及助產士共同深入研發與測試,並嚴格的控管產品。所有產品都通過德國權威機構-德國皮膚與過敏協會的測試並獲得推舉,兒嬰,有敏感肌膚的成人都可以安心使用。
About Bubchen:
Bübchen is a German collection of kids and baby care products founded in the 1940s.
Bübchen is a specialist in the field of baby and child care, and has been proven throughout the decades of experience. German health departments have many years of experience with Bübchen care products that have given millions of babies and children a good start in life. The hospital use of Bübchen products is not only a confirmation but also the best recommendation to use.
As a manufacturer of baby and child products, Bübchen is fully committed in protecting the environment because children reminds us how important the natural environment is. Therefore Bübchen products are made with the most minimal impacts on the natural environment, giving priority to raw materials and renewable sources.
Bübchen has passed the strict ECO TEST in accordance with EU regulations for the protection of nature from colored materials and he is the first German manufacturer of baby care products awarded with the European Union Certificate of Eco compatibility.
Bübchen care products offer ideal protection and confidence due to their gentle cleansing, gentle nourishment and safe protection.
With Bübchen you are using hypoallergenic products (products that do NOT cause allergic reactions) that meet all the dermatological requirements for optimal care for babies and children.
Most Bübchen products are clinically tested by the Deutsche Haut und Alergiehilfe e.V. (DHA), the Allergy Relief Association. DHA recommends Bübchen even for adults suffering from allergies to the skin.